acoustic blues | Musicosity

acoustic blues

Woody Mann

Woody Mann is an American Blues Guitar player, using a picking style. Woody was first taught to play the blues by the Rev Gary Davis. Woody still plays many of his songs in tribute and has expanded his range over many styles including Jazz, and syncopated guitar picking.
Woody has collaborated with many names in the Jazz and Blues industry from the British White Blues singer Jo-Ann Kelly, Son House and Dori Previn.
Woody holds guitar tutorials and is currently still playing live.

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Hiawatha Telephone Company

Songs of life and love, ancient and modern. From Brighton on the southcoast of England. Played by Jon, sometimes on his little old nylon string guitar. Thirteen low-fi demos of HTC's songs are included in the collection of demos 'Harry Smith was my Father' available to listen and download via Bandcamp. We would be delighted to hear from people who like them. There's also a charming review by Common Folk Meadow blog.

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(There is also a Polish Rock band called Daktyl, although there is little information available for them).
Daktyl is one of those producers whose name couldn’t be anymore suited in describing his ability behind his productions. Having spent many years playing piano, pressured by his parents he began to learn the craft, which unknown to him at the time had added an assailment of skills to his production belt. Like Daktyl on Facebook -

Read more about Daktyl on

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