The Long Goodbye
The Long Goodbye is an amazing band comprised of Clark Duke (, Greek, Superbad), Michael Cera (Arrested Development,, Superbad, Juno) and Christian Buenaventura. Pop rock/folk stuff. Lo-fi-ishness. There is at least one more artist represented here under the name long goodbye.
Anthony Green
Anthony Green, born April 15, 1982 in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, is the lead vocalist for the band Circa Survive. His first solo album, Avalon, was released on Photo Finish Records in 2008. A follow-up entitled Beautiful Things was released in January 2012. Anthony is well known for his impressively high vocal range. In addition to his position in Circa Survive, he is the former lead vocalist of Saosin and member of The Sound of Animals Fighting, a experimental rock band featuring members of RX Bandits and Finch.