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Harry Shearer

Harry Shearer began his career as a child actor in 1950s movies ("The Robe") and television ("The Jack Benny Program"). Shearer also played the precursor to the Eddie Haskell character in the pilot episode of the TV series "Leave It to Beaver." Shearer was later a member of Los Angeles radio comedy group "The Credibility Gap," 1968–1974, and a writer for such television shows as "Fernwood 2-Night" and "Laverne and Shirley.

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Products of Monkey Love

POML is not a real band in any sense, in fact, it's a podcast, FREE to download from itunes.
A radio style show where everything has been made by the Products of Monkey Love team. All the music has been improvised, some of the vocals are improvised as well (e.g Crocodile) and some have had vocals added on later (e.g The Dance Church), the chat is all impovised as well, that's why it's not always side splitingly funny, it's more incidental funny. We hope you enjoy our slice of cultural rubbish.

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The Signal

“Because it’s all or nothing with us,” Jason flicks closed his Zippo lighter and releases the first puff of a cigarette. He’s explaining the title of The Signal’s upcoming EP, Between Silk & Cyanide. The in-your-face rock trio of Nashville plans to hit the ground running with its first studio release with Acklen Entertainment. “Do or die,” Phil chimes in, “we either make it or we don’t.” It’s this kind of urgency and passion that is the driving force behind the intense alternative rock of The Signal, a band whose sound calls to mind the music of the Foo Fighters and Switchfoot.

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There two bands with this name: 1) História skupiny Editor sa dá rozdeliť na tri etapy.
Prvou etapou je obdobie od vzniku skupiny v roku 1988 až do roku 1993. Počas tohoto obdobia skupina vydala štyri demo kazety a jej tvorba sa dala jednoznačne zaradiť do thrash metalovej škatuľky.
Druhou etapou je obdobie od roku 1994, kedy skupine vychádza prvý oficiálne vydaný album "Shut Up!", na ktorom sa skupina predstavuje už nielen vo svojej typickej thrash metalovej podobe, ale svoju hudbu obohacuje aj o prvky hardcoru a punku.

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Low End Theory

1) Low End Theory is a club night in LA. Residents include Daddy Kev, The Gaslamp Killer, NoBody, D-Styles, and Nocando.
A diverse selection of artists have performed live at the Low End Theory nights. These include The Glitch Mob, Flying Lotus, Samiyam, Ras G, Daedelus, Thavius Beck, Prefuse 73, Free the Robots, Blank Blue, School of Seven Bells, Th' Corn Gangg, Nosaj Thing, TRS-80, Bunny Rabbit, Jel, Odd Nosdam, Themselves, Restiform Bodies, GANGI, Crystal Antlers and many more. The club is named after the album by A Tribe Called Quest.

Read more about Low End Theory on Last.fm.

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Comedy Club

Comedy Club is an Russian stand-up-comedy show.
Наиболее известные артисты - Павел "Снежок" Воля, Гарик Мартирасян, Гарик "Бульдог" Харламов, Тимур "Каштан" Батрутдинов, Вадик "Рембо" Галыгин, Сестры Зайцевы.

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