cut sick | Musicosity

cut sick

Just Say Go!

An Australian Youth Crew Hardcore band, disbanded in late 2007.
Sing-a-long oriented. In late 2003, 4 kids got together in a small practice space in Brisbanes Fortitude Valley with the intentions of having fun and playing hardcore with heart and message. Drawing influences from the likes of Gorilla Biscuits, Insted, Bold, Chain of Strength, In My Eyes, Time Flies, Mouthpiece, and other youth crew bands, led to a fast paced, energetic sound.

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The Dead Walk!

At a time where image seems more important to a band then music, THE DEAD WALK! are a breath of fresh air, bringing back old school hardcore to the forefront and embracing a time where message meant more than image. Formed in late 2004 from the ashes of Life Love Regret and No Jazz Before The Rumble, THE DEAD WALK! attracted instant attention due to each members long history in the Newcastle and Sydney hardcore scenes.

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