mashup | Musicosity


Peter Didjital

DJ from Sweden and on the underground dance music scene since the begining of the 90s. Peter has been developing activities such as going to parties, promoting parties in 1994 and in 1998 started to do the management for the Swedish act Son Kite. Today he's running the MPDQX label group with the imprints Digital Structures, Baluns and Vsual Recordings, together with Marcus and Sebastian (AKA Son Kite).

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dj BC

djBC is a DJ from Boston who's had some recent success in creating mash-ups. His best known works involve mixing the Beatles with the Beastie Boys into what he calls "The Beastles". His work, which was once available as free downloads off his website, , was removed after a threatening letter from some legal-types. Also notable was his Glassbreaks album (Philip Glass vs. a variety of hip-hop artists), with an even shorter lifetime before the lawyers called (though dj BC mentioned at the time that they were "nice" about it).

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There are three artists that have used the name Zulu: 1) Zulu is an eurodance act produced by Walter Merziger, Arno Kammermeier and Peter Hayo.
It featured Amadeus and Angie Landoll. They released the single "Pain In My Heart". 2) Before ever uttering a word behind the microphone, Panamanian MC ZULU had become a luminary of the Chicago Dance music scene. In the late 90's while employed as a sound engineer, he would go on to co-produce several House music tracks.

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