Blink 182 | Musicosity

Blink 182

Matt Wright

There are currently two Matt Wrights producing music. 1. Matt Wright, turntablist and composer from Norwich. A sound artist at the edges of concert and club culture, he has recorded an album with Saxophonist Evan Parker and had his work presented in spaces such as the Sydney Opera House and the Tate Modern. 2. Matt Wright, singer/ song writer who has released albums such as 'Six Scars Later' and 'Darker Than Light' through his own self-run website.

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Reality's Call

Reality's Call are a Alternative / Pop Punk Quartet located in Skelmersdale, United Kingdom. They are mostly influenced by Blink 182, Boxcar Racer And Green Day. They are currently in the process of recording demo's, booking shows and getting together and advertising campaign. They are happy to gig anywhere anytime for anyone, so;
If you would like to book them, please get in touch :] x

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Dr Johnson

Doctor Johnson are four guys hailing from the Australian capital. With an explosion of pop, punk and pure energy Doctor Johnson is developing a strong and growing following around Canberra. Forming first in 2004 as 100% juice the band eventually went their own ways and formed other bands for the next few years. Whilst you can clearly see the influence alcohol has had on their song writing a stint in rehab helped get their act together and they formed Doctor Johnson in early 2008.

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