todolist | Musicosity



1. Custard were a masterful band of pop craftsmen with an uncanny grasp of the two-minute-something single who seemed to have equal amounts of Devo, Pavement and, oddly, disco in their genetic makeup. They were also blessed with singer Dave McCormack, whose voice was innocent and boyish-sounding enough to get away with things that might ordinarily cause a fuss – from songs about speed labs to geeky dedications to Jim Henson and an infamous declaration that “music is crap”.

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TZU are an Australian hip hop group, originating from Melbourne, Victoria. The group formed in 1999 as a side project combining members of Curse Ov Dialect and Pan. Members include Joelistics, Countbounce, Pasobionic and Yeroc. They are known for live shows with significant crowd involvement where they will often involve local MCs, and have been known to invite the entire audience on stage. TZU differs from typical hip hop groups because they use instruments in their performances.

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Resin Dogs

Resin Dogs are a hip hop band from Brisbane, Queensland that formed in 1996. The name Resin Dogs is synonymous with massive energy, huge crowds and an infectious rollcall of rhythms. Continually redefining themselves through their frenetic touring schedule, while stamping their name on acclaimed singles and two full length albums, Resin Dogs are established as one of Australia

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