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Chris Allen

1. Chris Allen is the frontman and lead songwriter for popular, Cleveland-based rock band Rosavelt. Since the disbanding of Rosavelt in the summer of 2005, Chris has continued making music with various other bands, and released his solo debut "Goodbye Girl and the Big Apple Circus" in June of 2006. 2. Do you know Canadian DJ Chris Allen? It’s a question that nearly everyone in melodic dance music circles seems to be asking.

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Mother Of God

One day, Daniel had a vision. He was lying in his cold trench outside Stockholms gates, being trained to become a ruthless killingmachine. He looked back at the time when the music brought happiness to his life. Meanwhile in a little town called Ludvika in Dalecarlia, the school tired drummer Jimmy found himself trapped in his own misery. He felt that something was missing. Both Jimmy and Daniel looked back on the time in their old band Blacktears and thought of the solidarity and joy that only exists in a band.

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