indian music | Musicosity

indian music

Jon Sterckx

Jon Sterckx is a versatile percussionist and tabla player based in Devon, South West UK. Jon plays a range of percussion instruments and has worked across a wide range of musical styles, from Indian classical music and other traditional musical forms to contemporary experimental & 'fusion' styles, theatre & dance collaborations, and his solo multi-percussion live sampling performances - Drumscapes.

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The Indian Dreams They were touring doncaster when i first found out about them about 4 years and a bit so that would be about 2003. I bought their album as they were only peforming in the streets i still have it to this day. Some of my favs on the album are: Flying condor
Love mountain
Wayrapa muspuymin Great album for relaxing all pipes and some singing on some tracks. Flying condor is their best track though.

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