Gil Semedo
Gil Semedo Moreira is a singer from Cabo Verde and is one of the main interpreters of the caboswing, a musical genre closely related to kizomba and zouk. It is also closely related to funana and coladera. Semedo was born in the city of Chäo de Tanque on the island Santiago, but lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, since he was six. When he was a teenager, he formed his own band and won the very popular Dutch televised song contest Soundmix Show with a impersonation of Michael Jackson.
Nelson Freitas
Nelson Freitas is born and raised in the Netherlands, with creativity and talent he constantly tries to refresh the world of Zouk music. Barely a teenager, Freitas learned to entertain through the art of hip-hop and throughout the years the flexibility of his talent allowed him to flow with changing vibes of the music industry. Once a break-dancer, then the front man of the infamous group Quatro Plus, a producer, a writer, a singer, engineer and now he is the owner of GhettoZouk Music, a label created by Nelson Freitas with artists as Chelsy Shantel & William araujo.
Mika Mendes
It must be hard, trying to start your own musical career, while your father is the famous Cape Verdian musician Boy gé Mendes. But Mika Mendes managed very well. He made his debut as a zouk musician on the compilation “alliança” and has since sung on many compilation albums, like those of Philip Monteiro. In 2005, he records the album Paulo & Mika (New style). A year later, he is contracted Nichols to take part on a Marcía abum.
Mayra Andrade
Cape-verdean born in La Havana, Cuba, in 1985, the precocious talents of Mayra Andrade first reached a world stage in 2001. That’s when the singer won her country’s first gold medal at the Jeux de la Francophonie in Canada. Her crystalline and agile voice has since graced stages on the four continents. In 2006, Andrade released her first CD “Navega”, on the Sony/BMG label. In June 2001, a young Capeverdean singer, hardly 16 years old, completely unknown until then, won a gold medal at the Plays of Francophonie singing contest in Ottawa Hull in Canada among 35 competitors from around world.