irish hip hop | Musicosity

irish hip hop

GI & Costello GI started emceeing at a young age picking up an interest and hobby in buying c.d's and learning the words to recite. Once learning the flow and use of poetic styles within he to his own route and to write his own lyrics and was recommended to join the Finglas Youth Resource Centre where a group was made for local Hip Hop artists to come and learn writing techniques and challenges but also to make their own music.

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Street Literature

Irish hiphop crew Street Literature have spent the last three years in the lab cooking up a storm with their unique blend of raw Dublin street style, uplifting, intellectual hiphop. This hard hitting Dublin crew where the perfect choice for a recent Wu Tang Clan support in Dublin where they stunned the crowd with their killer raw sound and kick ass stage presence. Their debut album 'Products of the Environment has just landed and is receiving rave reviews. "One of the most ground-breaking Hip-hop albums of the summer." http://www.certifiedbanger​

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Gerard i2

2 DIRT 4 THE RADIO - Album Review "This is straight from the heart, I know its hard to think i mean it but I need to make a start," says GERARD i2 near the end of his album, and nothing proceeds it to make the listener think otherwise. Irish Hip-Hop has been patronised in some quarters over the last few years, with the main accusation being that the genre and our landscape simply don't dance together - which of course is complete nonsense! Hip-Hop is just as valid an import to our country as Jazz...

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