soulhop | Musicosity


Stacy Epps

One event stands out in emcee/songstress/musical super-heroine Stacy Epps’ memory as a pivotal point in her evolution. In 2005, she visited Cape Town, South Africa for six weeks. Early into her trip, she was hanging out at a local hip-hop club when fate threw a golden moment her way. “This guy came up to me and asked me if I was Stacy Epps,” she recounts, still blown by the experience a full year later.

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Dudley Perkins

As a vocal muse for Madlib’s creations, Dudley is unmatched; he’s earned first pick at Madlib’s prized beat collections. Just like Madvillain or Quasimoto, the Dudley/Madlib combination is a facet unto its own – on par with the most illustrious collaboration projects in Madlib’s catalog. His dynamic sophomore effort, entitled Expressions (2012 A.U.), takes an extended detour in the direction of Parliament’s Mothership Connection. The funk is strong this time around – as is the soul music that brought tears to the eyes of Dudley’s and Madlib’s aunts and uncles back in the golden days.

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