filipino music | Musicosity

filipino music

Mishka Adams

Mishka Adams’s aesthetic roots include the literary, visual and musical arts. The daughter of Filipina visual artist, Agnes Arellano and British writer, Michael Adams, was born on May 19th 1984 in Manila. At her tender age she was already associated with the Philippine literary scene, when her dad was publishing the Caracoa literary journal along with the Philippine Literary Arts Council. Mishka does her share of writing as well, of poems that later turn into songs. “A lot of my songs starts out as poetry. My dad was a big influence on me” – she enthuses.

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There are 3 artists by this name 1.Melbourne, Australia based bedroom project of Ocean Party guitarist Curtis Wakeling.

2.Bilingual MC, soulful beatmaker and Puerto Rico's premier hip hop DJ 3. Dallas, TX based ambient jam band. 1.Velcro is Curtis Wakeling, a long time bedroom/shed/living room recorder of lo-fi ballads and experiments.Velcro are now playing shows as a three piece with Ash Wyatt of Pop Singles on drums and Liam Halliwell of The Removalists & The Ocean Party on guitar.

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Arthur Smith

There are two artists with this name; 1. Arthur Smith (born April 1, 1921 in Clinton, South Carolina) is an American musician and songwriter. Arthur Smith was a textile mill worker who became a respected country music instrumental composer, guitarist, fiddler, and banjo player who had a major hit with the instrumental, "Guitar Boogie." The song earned him the moniker Arthur "Guitar Boogie" Smith and would be recorded by numerous others including as a rock and roll hit by Frank Virtue and The Virtues renamed the "Guitar Boogie Shuffle.

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