deutschpunk | Musicosity



There are 2 artists called Slime: 1. Slime was a German (and also an English) punk rock band, founded in 1979 and disbanded in 1994. Slime was very influential to German punk culture and their first album ''Slime I'' was the first German punk album banned. Notable songs are: - "Deutschland muss sterben ...damit wir leben können" (engl.: Germany must die, so that we can live), an allusion to a popular World War I motto

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Screamer is both a racing game, and a german band. Some of these songs are the soundtracks of a racing game, made in 1995 by Virgin Interactive, called 'Screamer'. The game itself had quite nice graphics for that time. It's soundtrack consisted of "screaming" guitars and electronic drumtracks in the background.

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