friends of uncharted audio | Musicosity

friends of uncharted audio

The Council Flats Of Kingsbury

The Council Flats of Kingsbury have spent the past eight years eliminating all non essential thought, thus providing space for their imagination to give birth. They feel that they have recently been 'called' to combine tradition with digital technology, contributing towards providing a solution to aid the spiritual and fashionable needs of the 21st century youthful.

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Langer is a London-based production duo comprising of Neo-Tek (Richard Burden) and Kone-R (Russell Parsons). Kone-R is a DJ with ten years experience and has played alongside some of the UK's finest DJ's all over the country. Neo-Tek is a fellow vinyl junkie and is the Langer resident computer expert. They met when Kone-R was working in a record shop selling sick vinyl. Neo-Tek was buying it. This shared appreciation of musical madness and ingenuity has resulted in the Langer sound, an intriguing electronic collision of melody, rhythm and bizarre effects.

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There are at least four groups that create under the name 'Line': 1: British-born, German-raised pop-electro producer Neil Wells, based in Nottingham. Until recently an electronic sideline to his main musical interests (including the bands Seachange (Matador), Savoy Grand (Pickled Egg/Glitterhouse) and Escapologists), his 2005 debut 7”as Line, ‘A Snowstorm In A Globe/Observe the Mechanics’, “borrowing the sunglasses-at-night menace that bruises Depeche Mode’s darker work before mingling it with the kind of detachment normally associated with Colder” (Boomkat)...

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Kone-R is the man behind the Uncharted Audio record label, which has introduced the likes of Cursor Miner, LJ Kruzer, Kings Have Long Arms and plenty of other weird and wonderful sonic tomfoolery to the world. Manning the turntables since 1992 when he discovered the joy of warehouse raves, the spirit of that era lives on in his sets today, with a liberal sprinkling of ambience, techno, breakbeats and plenty of low frequency oscillations.

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