altrock | Musicosity


Shimmy Rivers and And Canal

Shimmy Rivers and and Canal formed in a rush with five people, none of whom are still members or are in fact known to any of the current line up. Shimmy Rivers and and Canal started in error and continued thereafter. As the unformed band disbanded further, a drunken barmaid put a CD in the post which had nothing to do with Shimmy Rivers and and Canal, but for some reason had their name on it. Ed Baxter, head of Resonance FM took to the sound of that CD like a duck to whatever, and spectacularly asked to release it, just so he could hand out copies to anyone he liked.

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There are several (at least 11) artists by the name Lola: 1. Side project of Arthur Russell 2. French-born New York-based singer/songwriter. 3. Hungarian pop singer. (Korsós Judit) 4. Jennifer Lopez' alter-ego in her upcoming music project. 5. Mexican pop singer/actress Eiza Gonzalez (better known as Lola). 6. Danish pop-rock band started in the 90s. 7. Russian alternative rock band.

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