Harcore punk | Musicosity

Harcore punk

Non Profit

Non Profit was born in 1998 in Ustka (Poland)
They did few local gigs and recorded demo cd.
One by one they moved to UK. The band reborn in 2003 with the new drummer.
In 2005 they recorded album: "Rage And Bitterness".
After few personal changes Non Profit are:
Chrzanik - vocal
Czereza - guitar
Wiewior - bass
Mario - drums
The band is about recording the new album.
See you soon...
Unfortunately they do not exist any more.
They stop play together in 2009...

Artist Type: 


Carnist are a DIY hardcore punk band from London England. Unlearn is our first album. It deals with the concept of unlearning societal norms and cultural traits which are contrary to our nature - be that our attitude towards non human animals or indeed humans who do not fall in line with stifling, archaic and claustrophobic ideas of what it is to be human. We oppose patriarchy, religion (and the myriad of ways these institutions have marred society - be that misogyny, homophobia, transphobia et al) and Speciesism.

Read more about Carnist on Last.fm.

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