Austyn Brown | Musicosity

Austyn Brown

The Frequency

When The Frequency first got together in Phil’s loft, all four lads knew that they had stumbled on to something a bit special. But no-one was sure how things would play out over the next few months with commitments already assigned to other projects.

Some months later and after a lot of blood, sweat and tears ‘The Frequency’ (or how it was known back then as ‘The Austyn Brown Band’) had their first gig supporting none other than Mungo Jerry. It was from this point on that the boys knew that this thing had legs. Reviews poured in, celebrating the fact that The Frequency “Brought a vintage flavour and style missing in the mainstream right now”.

People stood up, listened and took note of what was happening. This was the birth of a new era of Rock and Roll. At last, a band striving to get back to the good ol’ days and offer direction in a sea of misguided noise.

Trying to pin down The Frequency’s sound however is not easy. With a wealth of influences coming from four lads who have been playing, listening and making music for countless years, you can pick out differing styles in every song.

All hailing from Bournemouth, England, it’s becoming clear that indeed the south will rise again. With a rich blend of cutting guitar tones, catchy melodies and smoky vocals, The Frequency are set to deliver the kind of records that will make you want to queue up at the local music store, to get one of the first copies.

Those times are back.
Pull up. Take a seat.
We may be here for some time.

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