Musicosity | Your Live Music Search Engine

The hulking, undead glam corpse of POZE!!

Greg Gwyther and his prolific 90's musical mutants are returning from the depths of "death" for more Glam Sham, Glitter and Gold in 2011!! Here's a word from our dubiously-attired dear to get you crafty lot down to CHAMPIONS on 8TH APRIL...


A missive from our glorious leader:

The biggest threat to the chastity and sanity of the U.K. since 1066 ... but with mascara! Filthy glam tartz PoZe are back from the future, sprinkled with Fairydust and ready for some ultrashowbiz throughout 2011!
Exxhumed for your pleasure, PoZe are undead and unbelievably revved up, with original memberz and stomping anthemz!

The first two PoZe showz are both at:
Champions, Queens Road, Westbourne ...
Friday 8th April with sisterz in slime Damnation Alley dishing out some dirty punk 'n' roll!
Saturday 23rd April Macmillan Nurses Benefit Band Bash, surrounded by loadz of other hot actz!
Not forgetting July with Voice Of Reason - slicker and more energetic than ever, our new generation indie punk rockers storm back in the summer after a hiatus for writing, riffed up and ready to rokk your soxx off!

Stalk PoZe and be part of the build up - get your kixx before the end of the world!

Damnation Alley:
Voice Of Reason: &


Join the Facebook army ranks -

Let's strike a PoZe!!! Had to be said really :)

Artists, venues and promoters working together...

Back in the day, artists, venues and promoters shared media, because it made perfect marketing sense to share.

No artist would publish their own Gig Guide because they are concerned about other bands (the competition) being promoted on the same page. Smart artists understand that Gig Guides work precisely because everyone elis in it. It makes life easier for the fans!

Radio and television is exactly the same. No venue or promoter would start it's own radio station or TV channel, because no one would listen or watch it. Sharing media is essential, especially when when it comes to local live music, where ever you are.

These days, Technology has provided the ability for artists to DIY. So every band, singer/songwriter and musician started building their own website, spending a lot of time and money creating their own online media channel.

Every artist wants their own website, even if they don't do much, if any sales online, and of course no one wants to send fans away from their own website, they want to keep them to themselves.

YouTube proves that strategy does not work, your options are, a) publish a video on your own website, or b) publish the video on THE website, where everyone goes to discover what video they want to watch. Which option will help your video be discovered more often?

Musicosity is YouTube for local live music. It’s the living breathing Gig Guide for the local live music industry where ever you may be.

Sharing a media channel is good, Musicosity is great, and telling people you're on it is even better.

technology killed the Rock Star

I spoke with a number of bands today about where they want to go with their music, what they get their kicks out of, why they started playing music and then something dawned on me. Not one of them mentioned technology, facebook, myspace... no one said I just love to send messages on social networks, updating my latest movements or spending hours in front of a computer updating 15 websites, subscribing to 30 distribution outlets.

I reckon a change is coming... about time too.

Year 1995
So, you and your friends start a rock band... you've got guitars and drums. You're wanna change the world. What's the first thing you do?

You jam. You play songs, jump around, all in preparation for when you hit the big time... which means actually playing in front of people, strangers, some friends, bar staff, meeting and playing with other bands.

You've got a gig. You spend hours with a pen and paper designing your poster artwork to ensure it truly reflects you band. Then you promote the show... you talk to people and gauge their reaction (you'll know if they are gonna buy a ticket)... you speak to girls, cos you know the guys will then come along... you talk about what a great party it'll be, just in case they don't like the music. But you are focusing on the show... the killer 45 minutes that will change your life, until the next set list.

You take control of your destiny. You know when you've done everything you can to make it a success. If you've been lazy, you only have yourself to blame. But because you know you've worked hard the gig is a success. Whether its 50 or 100 or 500 or 5000 people, it's all relative to what you've done up to that point. You know loyalty has to be earnt... and you give everything to get it, sweat, cds, t-shirts. Cos you love playing music and want to do it forever.

Year 2010
So, you and your friends start a rock band... you've got guitars and drums. You're wanna change the world. What's the first thing you do?

You create a website, groups on facebook, MySpace, you subscribe to the many distribution services available. You tell your friends and build up an impressive 1000 people on MySpace, 500 people on Facebook and your music is available on every download store in the world.

You've got a gig. So you turn on your computer and send everyone a message, maybe a few, and you wait for the magic to happen. Everyone clicks they 'like this' and 'attending'. You might not have seen Frank for 10 years, but he's said he likes it. Maybe you should have booked a bigger venue?

I wonder if Noel and Liam sat in front of their computers in the 90s planning out there marketing strategy... or they just played their hearts out, gigged everywhere and anywhere, rehearsed, wrote songs, told people to check them out. They've done great and thankfully technology makes supply and distribution easier and cheaper... of course, they also built up an audience.


Hey Guys,.....UPDATE

WOW Guess what ? I had my first ever PRESS review today. The Music Journalist, Radio presenter and Blogger Jack Gorman reviewed my EP on his Blog. Check it out JACK GORMANS BLOG link below. You can still buy a signed copy of the EP here in my store


Also if you missed the interview on his show you can see the highlights by following the link below. Also see new pictures posted in Gallery


Andy G Radio presenter from Radio Wey, also reviewed of my work on his DUBTURTLE blog which can be seen here.


I have recorded one track for my new album with the amazing producer James Colah. The pictures of the session can be see here. The first single to be released is now in Mastering. The release date will be set in the next few weeks so check back here for info. It will be an iTunes and Physical release and will hopefully be eligible for the national charts!

Rozii :)

Facebook vs Musicosity

"what is the difference between Musicosity and Facebook?". It's the most frequently asked question. This blog will hopefully answer it...

Before Facebook and Myspace existed, artists used to know who REAL FANS were. They were the people who bought tickets for gigs, merch at shows, albums in shops, and sent in their name and address on a postcard to to join the fan club... even then, some fans for more interested than others. Bands spent a lot of time and money looking after them. Technology meant they could contact them more easily and cheaply. This was brilliant for bands that already had an audience... it saved them time and money. Of course at the very same time technology killed their album sales thanks to downloads. You can't have everything!

However, those bands had already done the hard work. They had built up loyal fans.

But what if you don't have loyal fans? or know who they are? What if you're just starting out?

Well, Facebook and MySpace seemed to be the answer. You could get hundreds maybe thousands of people in one place and send them messages, lots and lots of messages. It looked as though Artists could cut out all the hard work of gigging, touring and the relentless promotion, not spend money and go straight to having a huge fan base! Wow. So then, how's that working out for you?

Facebook and MySpace (which make all their money out of selling advertising to 'your fans'... more the merrier for them) have made it easier for bands to send more and more messages... to publish more and more information and images. As technology killed album sales for those selling albums... technology has killed the the spirit of being in a band. It has made us lazy. Complacent. It's boring.

It gets worse for new bands. Other technology companies started developing 'services' to help them "Get Fans, Get Gigs, Track Stats, Earn Money". Who could say no? And it only costs a little bit. Another company says you can distribute your music globally, for only a little bit of money. Other services say how you can Acquire fans and sell more stuff, and it only costs you a little bit of money. Guess what, you've just spent a lot of money.... and been forced to become a marketing guru overnight. How's it going so far?

Technology helps us be more efficient and productive. But to get leverage and benefit, you still have to do all the things that artists used to do. Artists that choose to spend more time on Facebook than you do in the real world will never know who their real audience is and they will miss opportunities.

Why did you start a band in the first place? Musicosity is taking you back... back to the future.

Derrin Naurendorf, Pete Christie, Alex Roberts, Live @ Mr Kyps

3 outstanding acoustic guitarists together on 1 bill @ Mr Kyps 'in the round'
Sunday 13 March 2011
Great songs. Great guitar techniques. Great night.

**Derrin Nauendorf**
- power beyond the scope of the instrumental forces involved.

*Pete Christie*
- distinctive vocalist, acoustic roots & Anglicana singer-songwriter

*Alex Roberts*
- represents all the best aspects of the songwriter’s craft.

Mr Kyps
8a Parr Street
Lower Parkstone
BH14 0JY
01202 748945

£7.00 Advance £9.00 Door


Derrin Nauendorf, Pete Christie, Alex Roberts, Mr Kyps, Poole, Acoustic Guitar, Live Music, Singer Songwriter, Folk, Blues, Rock, Dorset, Musician, Entertainment

The Richard Cartridge Band BBC Radio Solent

RICHARD CATRIDGE was a musician before getting a break with the BBC in the Seventies. In a relatively short space of time he became a regional celebrity on BBC Radio Solent with his unique voice, style, and personality.
He’s also worked for Radios’ 1 and 2, Classic FM, 2CRFM, Play Classical UK, Play Jazz UK and Play Talk UK.
Richard had a top 50 hit single in 2004 called, “I’ve found love again”. Check it out in the Guinness book of hit singles! His children don’t really know what to make of it!
He’s also toured the country with his legendary stage shows, with capacity crowds at every venue.
His latest show with The Richard Cartridge Band is “The Rock and Roll Years”, humorous observations, recollections and music from a kid who grew up in the Fabulous 50’s, Swinging’ 60’s and Sensational 70’s!!!
The production includes live performances of songs from his current album, “You Never Can Tell”
He was commissioned by the American computer giant, Silicon graphics, to co-produce, script and host a number of presentations to introduce the first virtual reality platforms (CGI) to the United Kingdom and Europe. These were seen by professionals from various disciplines. Film and television, computer aided design and the manufacturing industry. The set was inspired by Pink Floyd's "The Wall", and the presentations were illustrated live on five screens. They took the show on the road to the major exhibition halls of London, Birmingham, Brussels and Geneva.


Hey Guys,
Check out the JACK GORMAN radio show on radio SONAR where I will be a guest TOMORROW 10th Feb 2010 from 8:30PM. Follow the link here
Featuring an EXCLUSIVE SNEEK PREVIEW of my upcoming Album and live performances from my EP
Rozii 


Hey Guys,
Check out the JACK GORMAN radio show on radio SONAR where I will be a guest TOMORROW 10th Feb 2010 from 8:30PM. Follow the link here
Featuring an EXCLUSIVE SNEEK PREVIEW of my upcoming Album and live performances from my EP
Rozii 