Privacy Policy | Musicosity

Privacy Policy

Customer Privacy Policy

Musicosity is committed to protecting and maintaining your privacy.
Our primary purpose in collecting information is to provide you with a safe, smooth, efficient, and customized experience. As part of normal daily operations we may collect your information. The following Privacy Policy describes the type of information Musicosity may collect and what may happen to that information. Any questions regarding this policy or enquiries regarding privacy should be sent to Audienceware Pty Ltd, PO Box 187, Balaclava, Victoria, 3183, Australia.
How is this information used by Musicosity?
Musicosity uses personal information primarily for the purpose of enhancing the online usage experience, resulting in a more personalised service for you.
Musicosity may also use this information to facilitate orders for products or subscriptions via it's website(s).
Musicosity may also use this information to communicate with it's customers and to provide updated information on products and services.
What type of information is collected by Musicosity?
Musicosity collects name and email address directly from the users of it's website in order to create a personal account.
We collect this information so you can subscribe to products or services available for purchase via the Musicosity, subscribe to any Musicosity Newsletters, request a product or service from Musicosity, complete a survey or questionnaire, enter a competition or an event, or communicate with Musicosity by e-mail or telephone.
Musicosity may collect geo-location if allowed by the user in order to imrpove the user experience with more localised content or search results.
Use of Internet Cookies online
Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computers hard drive. Our cookies do not contain any personally identifying information, but they do enable us to provide the functionality you require when visiting Musicosity websites (for example, to place items in 'My Calendar').
To whom might Musicosity disclose Personal Information?
Musicosity will not provide your personal information to third parties.
User Data Deletion
To request your personal information to be deleted, please email
If you used the Musicosity Facebook App to connect with Musicosity and create an account, and wish to delete all data associated with Musicosity on Facebook:
- Go to your Facebook Account’s Setting & Privacy. Click “Settings”
- Look for “Apps and Websites” and you will see all of the apps and websites you linked with your Facebook.
- Search and Click “Musicosity Login” in the search bar.
- Scroll and click “Remove”.
Congratulations, you have successfully removed your app related data.