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Army of Flying Robots

Army of Flying Robots are a grindcore / hardcore band from Nottingham. The Band members are Henry Davies (Vocals, Cello) Craig Mulcahy (Bass Guitar) Andrew Morgan (Guitar, Saxophone) Simon Fitzpatrick (Guitar) Luke Moss (Drums, Piano). Discography:
The Audacious Art Experiment - 7", June 2003.
The Audacious Art Experiment - A 10" split withJinn, August 2004.
7" Split on SuperFi Records, with Champion Boar Service and Taint. March 2005.
7" Split on Feast Of Tentacles Records, with Kamikazze, April 2006.
Discography part one, on SuperFi Records, 2001-2005.

Upcoming Events for Army of Flying Robots

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