Maths and the Moon | Musicosity

Maths and the Moon

When a venue changes its name some people find it very hard to use the new moniker. For example tonight there is an Oxjam event in Guava.

“Where?” you might ask. Well, it used to be Hamptons and is now something fruitier. I don't know how long it took to pick that name but I do know that when it comes to a band's some spend ages trying to think of something special.

So which of these band names grab you enough to see them in Guava tonight without listening to them first?

How about 'Silver Spirts' – its their debut! Following them is 'Antigerone' – started gigging in January with their punchy post-rock. After them Wolfe – dual vocals over electronic beats who, according to PopFactory, are “arguably the most underrated local act around.”

And finally the headliners whose changed their name about a year ago:

“I had wanted to call our album 'Maths and the Moon',” frontman Andy Fielder explained. “Then Luke suggested we call the band 'Maths and the Moon' instead. We all instantly agreed.”

They've also changed musical direction. Before it was high tempo: now it is more thoughtful. “I guess it was time to write about what happens after the party,” is Andy's philosophical response to the obvious question.

Musically they are trying something different, something almost conceptual. So maybe it is better to arrive incognito, rather than bringing your memories of their previous incarnation to the stage.