Artists, venues and promoters working together... | Musicosity

Artists, venues and promoters working together...

Back in the day, artists, venues and promoters shared media, because it made perfect marketing sense to share.

No artist would publish their own Gig Guide because they are concerned about other bands (the competition) being promoted on the same page. Smart artists understand that Gig Guides work precisely because everyone elis in it. It makes life easier for the fans!

Radio and television is exactly the same. No venue or promoter would start it's own radio station or TV channel, because no one would listen or watch it. Sharing media is essential, especially when when it comes to local live music, where ever you are.

These days, Technology has provided the ability for artists to DIY. So every band, singer/songwriter and musician started building their own website, spending a lot of time and money creating their own online media channel.

Every artist wants their own website, even if they don't do much, if any sales online, and of course no one wants to send fans away from their own website, they want to keep them to themselves.

YouTube proves that strategy does not work, your options are, a) publish a video on your own website, or b) publish the video on THE website, where everyone goes to discover what video they want to watch. Which option will help your video be discovered more often?

Musicosity is YouTube for local live music. It’s the living breathing Gig Guide for the local live music industry where ever you may be.

Sharing a media channel is good, Musicosity is great, and telling people you're on it is even better.