The hulking, undead glam corpse of POZE!!
Submitted by AdamJS on 14 March, 2011 - 22:26Greg Gwyther and his prolific 90's musical mutants are returning from the depths of "death" for more Glam Sham, Glitter and Gold in 2011!! Here's a word from our dubiously-attired dear to get you crafty lot down to CHAMPIONS on 8TH APRIL...
A missive from our glorious leader:
The biggest threat to the chastity and sanity of the U.K. since 1066 ... but with mascara! Filthy glam tartz PoZe are back from the future, sprinkled with Fairydust and ready for some ultrashowbiz throughout 2011!
Exxhumed for your pleasure, PoZe are undead and unbelievably revved up, with original memberz and stomping anthemz!
The first two PoZe showz are both at:
Champions, Queens Road, Westbourne ...
Friday 8th April with sisterz in slime Damnation Alley dishing out some dirty punk 'n' roll!
Saturday 23rd April Macmillan Nurses Benefit Band Bash, surrounded by loadz of other hot actz!
Not forgetting July with Voice Of Reason - slicker and more energetic than ever, our new generation indie punk rockers storm back in the summer after a hiatus for writing, riffed up and ready to rokk your soxx off!
Stalk PoZe and be part of the build up - get your kixx before the end of the world!
Damnation Alley:
Voice Of Reason: &
Join the Facebook army ranks -
Let's strike a PoZe!!! Had to be said really :)